In This Article
Why Small Meals Don’t Work
The 6-meal-a-day diet has become a sensationalized program that is largely being prescribed to a misdiagnosed public. The 6 meal a day was a diet originally created and designed for hypoglycemic patients to introduce a level of blood sugar stability in lieu of severe blood sugar instability.
This diet usually presents initially with an increase in energy, weight loss and supposedly an increase in baseline metabolic rate (BMR). Aside from this unproven claim to increasing BMR, the long-term effects of this diet are generally degenerating to the nervous system and immune system.
The long-term effect of training your body to expect a blood sugar boost every 3 hours is an eventual deterioration of stable blood sugar, increased anxiety and increased weight gain.
You may be thinking: wait, aren’t those the exact opposite results people we’re looking for with this diet? And the answer is yes, in the long-term this diet backfires. Traditionally, this diet was a medicinal short-term diet intended to pull patients away from the dangerous edge of hypoglycemia and then slowly wean back into making the larger stretches between meals necessary for 3 meals a day. 6 meals a day is not the solution to weight loss or anxiety.
The Ayurvedic Diet: The 3-Season Diet
Nature provides the ideal harvest for each season to keep you strong, healthy, energized and focused. The 3-Season Diet aligns our desires with the foods that nature has provided in season for thousands of years. In the winter we naturally crave soups, nuts, warm grains, and other high fat and protein foods such as meat and fish. In the spring we want salads, berries, and leafy greens — a naturally low-fat diet. And in the summer, when the days are long and hot, we require cooling and high-energy foods such as fruits and vegetables, which are a naturally available high carbohydrate diet. You can learn more in my book, The 3-Season Diet.
Of course we are used to four seasons, but in nature one season is typically dormant – a resting season. There are really three primary harvests — spring, summer and fall (that is typically eaten in the winter), thus the 3-Season Diet. In The 3-Season Diet we have classified foods from around the world into winter, summer and spring so you can eat with the seasons but still eat like a king.
Join Dr. John Douillard for The 3-Season Diet Challenge. Its free! This challenge takes you through a year of eating seasonally with month-to-month support and guidance. New research suggests that our gut microbes are meant to change seasonally by the foods we eat. Seasonal microbes optimize digestion, mood and immunity – the way nature intended!