Your Digestible Guide to Gut Health
A thriving microbiome can help you feel clear, grounded, healthy, and whole. Here, Dr. John Douillard’s Ayurvedic-inspired advice for creating the right conditions for optimal gut health.
Introduction to Ayurveda
Learn the basics about Vedic philosophy, your Ayurvedic constitution, Ayurvedic lifestyle choices, seasonal eating, and the best herbs, supplements, and self-care practices to keep you balanced and in sync with nature.
Circadian Wisdom
Circadian rhythms are the unique forces in nature created by daily and seasonal light-dark cycles. Every living thing has evolved to react to these rhythms by turning on and off biological clocks in every cell of the body. Learn how to use circadian cycles to your advantage for optimal health and vitality.
Edible Flowers Monthly Bloom Guide
Your guide to eating flowers from spring to fall. Learn which flowers to eat, how to prepare them, which to select for nutrients and mood, and when each flower is in bloom.
Ayurvedic Guide to Immunity
Taking care of our immunity in healthy, natural ways is more important than ever. Discover Dr. John’s Immune-Boosting Protocol and build tools to develop your body’s ability to resist disease.
Kaya Kalpa Cleanse
The words kaya kalpa mean body transformation—on a mental, physical, and emotional level. The point of this traditional protocol is not just health and longevity, but a heightened state of self-awareness from which we can change mental, emotional, and physical patterns linked to ill health.
Digestive Troubleshooting Guide
Many factors contribute to the breakdown of our digestive systems, including stress, pesticides on our foods, a diet of refined and processed foods, and a host of lifestyle imbalances insidious in our culture. In this eBook, I take you step by step through each of these factors, while helping rebuild your digestive strength with diet, herbs, and lifestyle tips.
Miracle of Lymph
The ancient Ayurvedic wisdom of moving lymph for optimal health is now proven by modern science, thus creating a potent and compelling case to be mindful of our lymph health through our diet and lifestyle choices. If Ayurveda has been saying for at least 5,000 years that the study of lymph is the study of longevity, then lymph deserves our attention.
Ayurveda for a Healthy Family
Learn time-tested and scientifically proven Ayurvedic principles to address the root cause of common ailments from childhood to adulthood.
Safe Liver and Gallbladder Cleansing
I have been administering this liver and gallbladder flush in my practice for more than 30 years with great success. While this is a very effective protocol, it is not meant for everyone. Learn the series of preparatory steps that I feel everyone should take before proceeding with a flush.
Ayurvedic Guide to the Best Sleep of Your Life
This easy-to-read, colorful guide will become your go-to bedside resource for sleep. Those of us who struggle with getting a good night’s rest will try just about anything. This book shares several overlooked practices for deep, restorative sleep, and guides you through blissful body-mind rituals for all phases of the night and day.
Short Home Cleanse
The Short Home Cleanse (SHC) was designed for those who would like a little taste of our 14-day Colorado Cleanse, and for those looking for a quick and easy digestive reset and lymph flush. This Ayurveda-style 4-day cleanse is gentle, safe, and nourishing.
The Protein Solution
It seems there are as many different theories about protein as there are weeks in the year. In this book, I aim to shed light on what you need to know about protein by presenting a combination of ancient Ayurvedic wisdom and modern science.
Dr. John’s Guide to Taking Herbs
Are you taking a few herbs and supplements? Once you’ve figured out which herb to take, let’s focus on how to adjust when and how you take them. This will help to quickly boost their positive impact on your well-being.
Ayurvedic Weight Balancing
Does your weight feel out of control? Are you overwhelmed by all the competing weight loss promises, supplements, and programs that marketers bombard you with? Lose weight naturally and effortlessly with Dr. John’s 4-Step Ayurvedic Weight Balancing System.
Blood Sugar Secrets for Health and Longevity
You may be well aware of the pre-diabetes epidemic that experts say will affect all adult Americans in the next ten years, but I wonder if you are really aware of the hidden sugars in many so-called “health foods.” Discover Ayurvedic methods to take responsibility for your blood sugar health in both the short- and long-term.