June 5, 2017 | 64 minutes, 52 seconds
While melatonin is most commonly known to treat sleep disorders, many may not know that melatonin is closely connected with the our circadian rhythms – our internal body clocks that regulate hormone levels, metabolism, gene expression, sleep and wakefulness, and appetite. The pineal gland produces melatonin, which keeps these rhythms in check.
Disruption of the circadian rhythms and decreases in melatonin can occur from light exposure at night, shift work, long hours, and/or aging, and has been associated with various serious health concerns, including increased risk of cancers, poor cognition, bone loss, sleep and weight issues, heart problems and more.
Join us in this podcast to learn about simple life hacks to minimize circadian disruption and boost the body’s natural production of melatonin.
For questions, please email her at wittp@duq.edu.
Learn more about melatonin and circadian medicine
In This Article
Supplements & Tests Mentioned
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PDF: https://lifespa.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Alternative-Options-to-Manage-Menopausal-Symptoms-with-a-Focus-on-Melatonin-and-Osteoporosis.pdf
PDF: https://lifespa.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/An-Early-Development-Budget-Impact-Model-for-the-Use-of-Melatonin-in-the-Treatment-and-Prevention-of-Osteoporosis.pdf
PDF: https://lifespa.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/CNS-Melatonin-Receptors-and-Signaling-Focus-on-Aging-Related-Diseases-and-Future-Perspectives.pdf
PDF: https://lifespa.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Complementary-and-Alternative-Medicine-Why-hasn’t-the-Science-Kept-Up-with-the-Demand.pdfPDF: https://lifespa.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Healthy-Lifestyle-Tips-to-Minimize-Chronodisruption-By-Light-Exposure-at-Night.pdf
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