Drinking Hot Water: Benefits and Ayurvedic Uses

Drinking Hot Water: Benefits and Ayurvedic Uses

In This Article

The Digestive Benefits of Hot Water

One of the classic  Ayurvedic hydration, detox and rejuvenation therapies is to regularly consume hot water, or garam pani.

From the Ayurvedic perspective, warm or hot water cleanses and hydrates the digestive tract, and stimulates and scrubs the lymphatic system. Warm or hot water also enhances the quality of ahara rasa, which is the first nutrient fluid in the digestive tract.

Hot water strengthens the digestive fire, or agni, in the stomach (pachaka) and digestive enzymes (ranjaka) in the liver. This allows for a more efficient breakdown and assimilation of nutrients and the removal of toxic material (ama).

Ama is the accumulation of undigested food particles that irritate, inflame, and compromise the function of the intestinal lining as a protective barrier. Ama can find its way into tissues via the circulatory system (srotas). Hot water vasodilates the srotas in the body, supporting better circulation and the removal of cellular ama.

How to Use Hot Water Therapies

Ayurveda suggests boiling water for at least 10 minutes, as this changes the subtle properties of the water making it easier to assimilate into the body.

While beneficial in any season, drinking hot or warm water is particular good in the winter and spring to help balance vata and kapha. The heat balances the coldness of vata as well as the heaviness and congestion of kapha, while cold water would be aggravating. Hot water in the summer surprisingly helps to balance pitta by increased vasodilation of the tissues, supporting dissipation of heat.

Seasonal Hot Water Recipes

To help the hot water remove seasonal ama more effectively, the water can be  enhanced with some herbs and spices.

Vata Hot Water : Add Lemon (1/4 lemon per 8 oz after boiling).

Pitta Hot Water: Add Fennel Seeds (1 tsp per 8 oz before boiling).

Kapha Hot Water: Add Ginger (add ½ tsp ginger root per 8 oz before boiling).

Detox Therapy: Take sips every 15-20 minutes for two weeks.

Maintenance Therapy: Sip hot water with meals and every couple of hours throughout the day

NOTE: Heat the water like tea, making sure it’s not scalding. If the water is too hot, it can irritate the cells of the esophagus. Studies suggest hot water is safe under 149 degrees Fahrenheit.

The Science Behind Hot Water Benefits

Relieve Intestinal Pain: One of the benefits of hot water therapy in Ayurveda is that it relieves pain. In a 2009 study published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology, consuming warm or hot water was found to relive pain and intestinal spasms during a colonoscopy in patients with irritable bowel syndrome.

Enhances Digestive Strength: In the journal Animals, warm water was found to increase the amount of beneficial bacteria in the intestines of rabbits. Researchers gave one group of rabbits cold water and the other warm water during the winter months. They found that the rabbits that drank warm water digested and assimilated their food better and had significantly more good bacteria in their intestines than the cold-water group. This study supports the theory that warm water not only balances vata but enhances digestive strength and a more diverse microbiome.

In an older study, warm water helped the lower esophageal sphincter open more quickly allowing food to be more easily swallowed, Cold water tightened the lower esophageal sphincter and made it more difficult to swallow food.

Better Bowel Function: While there is little research to back up this Ayurvedic claim, in another study, warm water given after a surgery had a favorable effect on intestinal movements and a significant reduction in flatulence.

Relives Sinus Congestion: In a 1978 study in which hot water was compared to cold water for removing mucus from the respiratory tract, hot water along with chicken soup were significantly more effective. Ayurveda has long held that cold water increases mucus (kapha) and aggravates vata in the sinuses and respiratory tract.

In another study with 30 volunteers, a hot drink provided immediate and sustained relief from symptoms of a runny nose, cough, sneezing, sore throat, chilliness, and tiredness, whereas the same drink at room temperature only provided relief from symptoms of runny nose, cough, and sneezing. 

Try a hot water therapy today and let us know what you notice.

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Dr. John

10 thoughts on “Drinking Hot Water: Benefits and Ayurvedic Uses”

  1. Very good info! First time I’ve heard of that. Thank you! Question: So do we use these to treat our doshas? or prakriti (imbalance)? example; my disha is pitta but I have kapha imbalance (prakiti), should I use fennel or ginger?

  2. Awesome! I am learning alot from your podcasts and website. Doing a 5 day detox starting next Monday. I didnt realize how difficult it was to get Split Mung Beans here in Mexico. YIKES!
    Much love from Mexico.

  3. Dear Friends I have been doing research on Ayurveda. Please tell me why people like Deepak Chopra …Vasant Lad…David Frawley…Dr Douillard say different things about my dosha which is Vata Pitta. Had my pulses read at the Raj in Fairfield, Iowa, Foods like kale, brussel sprouts,white potatoes,tomatoes, etc just to mention a few the others say avoid, Dr Douillard in the winter grocery list says they are fine. Pleaase explain why he differs from the others, Thanks so much,

  4. Whilst I have known there was benefit in doing this I didn’t exactly know why until reading this. Thank you so much for this article and all the others that you freely share.

  5. Thank you Dr D for making Ayurveda so accessible to people in the USA. Your research and explanations make it easy to assimilate the information and use it!
    I am interested to hear that hot/warm water increases good flora in the intestinal tract.
    I know that coming from Florida I never understood warm drinks until I was in a cold environment, Seattle, and felt the lucscious warmth and comfort of drinking warm fluids – actually feeling them warm my belly and soothe my emotions.
    Happy New Year 2022

  6. Thanks for this.
    I am supposed to avoid sour stuff like lime, citrus, tamarind, vinegar.
    What else can I add to vata hot water?
    I am using your 21-day Challenge course.


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