How to Release Unwanted Emotions with Ayurveda

How to Release Unwanted Emotions with Ayurveda

In This Article

Letting Go

According to Ayurveda, digestive toxins, environmental toxins, and even toxic emotions are stored in the body’s fat cells, and the purpose of seasonal cleansing was not only to flush toxins out of the body but to also free the body and mind of lingering, unwanted emotions.

The late Neuroscientist, Dr. Candace Pert Ph.D., called “The Mother of Psychoneuroimmunology,” and “The Goddess of Neuroscience” by her fans, wrote a book on the topic of fat-soluble emotions, called Molecules of Emotions.

According to her book, negative emotions and behaviors from childhood can lodge in the body’s fat cells for years, making us think the same thoughts and repeat the same behaviors again and again as adults. (9-12)

These old, stored away emotions are often the underlying problem behind defensiveness, anger, uncertainty, attention-seeking, toxic relationship patterns and conflict with family members, friends, and co-workers, poor self-confidence and low self-worth, withdrawal, lying, fear, anxiety, blaming, and more.

Releasing Toxic Emotions with Ayurveda

When under stress, toxic, fat-soluble chemicals and emotions store in our fat cells until the body becomes convinced that it is safe enough to release those toxins.

The most effective way I have seen to convince the body of this is to first stimulate a fat-burning process.

Taking ghee on an empty stomach first thing in the morning alongside a non-fat diet of mostly kitchari (a rice and bean soup dish) for 4-7 days followed by a gentle laxative therapy has been shown to be an effective way to teach the body how to burn fat again. (3)

Once the body engages into a calm state of steady fat-burning, the toxins stored within the fat cells and the pent-up molecules of emotions are released into the bloodstream.

In addition to herbal support—often used to escort toxins out of the body—an Ayurvedic cleanse would not be fully complete without emotional cleansing techniques, such as meditation and self-inquiry exercises.

These are used to coax out and release those old, toxic emotions lingering in the body.

Ayurvedic Cleansing Backed by Science

In one study, 14 major toxic chemicals—all of which are fat-soluble—were flushed out of the fat cells during the cleansing process called oleation in which ghee is ingested daily. (1)

Chemicals such as dioxins, highly toxic and dangerous pollutants, (2) were released and flushed from the patients’ fat cells – many of which may have been stored there for up many years. (3-8)

Remarkably, toxins continued to be flushed for 3 months after the cleanse as shown in the study. (3)

Further studies found that cleansers who regularly practiced oleation with ghee yielded a 70% decrease in heavy metals and other toxins, and needed 80% less doctor’s visits than the general population. (4)

Don’t miss the opportunity to detox, lose excess weight, and shed unwanted emotions before the holidays this fall. It could make all the difference when it comes to your interactions with family members at gatherings this winter!

For more information on the Ayurvedic Self-Inquiry emotional release process, please read my article “The Psycho-Physiology of Stress” and the articles and videos in my Emotional Health category.


  4. Sharma, H. Freedom from Disease. Toronto Veda Publishing, 1993
  5. Waldschutz R: Influence of Maharishi Ayurveda purification treatment on physiological and psychological health. Erfahrungsheilkunde-Acta medica empirica, 1988; 11; 720-729.
  6. Sharma HM, Midich SI, Sands D, Smith DE: Improvement in cardiovascular risk factors through Panchakarma purification procedures. J Res Educ Indian Med, 1993; 12(4); 2-13.
  10. Pert, Candace. Molecules of Emotion. Simon and Schuster, 1997. P. 144, 187, 208, 293, 297.

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Dr. John

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