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Ayurveda and Smoothies
While I’m not a fan of drinking all your meals, smoothies, juices, and shakes do have their place. They are a great delivery system for micronutrients and minerals, which are often deficient in our foods, or incompletely digested because of weak agni, or digestive strength.
Coconut Protein Smoothie Recipe for Pitta (Summer)
1 cup coconut water, coconut milk or rice milk
1-2 scoops of Whey Pure grass-fed undenatured protein powder
1 large peppermint leaf
½ tsp coconut sugar or jaggery
1 pinch coriander powder
1 pinch fennel powder
Booster Option: Add ½-1 capsule of Neem Boost or Shatavari to taste
Directions: Use blender to combine all ingredients until smooth